Crochet Cat Collar Pattern

If you have a cat and are looking to make your fluffy friend a crochet cat collar, then this post might just be the one for you We have put together 15 collars for cats that we believe you will love.

Before we go any further, if you are looking for some easy affordable crochet patterns, then you can get them HERE at $1.50!

crochet cat collar

Crochet Cat Collar Free Patterns

I have fallen in love with crochet cat patterns. I do not own a cat, but when i do, that cat is in trouble.

If you are obsessed with crochet cat patterns, then the crochet cat sweater post will be a great place to start, Crochet cat scarf can be a quick make if you are working with minimal yarn, and if you are looking to match with your cat, then a crochet cat beanie for you would be great.

As much as cats are made to survive the cold, a little extra warmth does not hurt.Right?

How to crochet a collar for cats

As much as, this is a very fast and easy crochet project, depending on the pattern you are using, it can get a little complicated. However, the concept is the same, you are crocheting a collar that will just fit around the cats neck.

You want to make a chain that goes around the cats neck, if the stitch you are using works in multiples, then it is best that you follow that stitch count. Following this, you work a few rows to make the collar, any extra rows, you would be making a cat cape!

Tips To Crocheting A Cat Collar

As much as it is a simple crochet project, you want to look out for a few things as the cats are curious animals.

  • Do not make the collar too tight for the cat as it sits on their neck. If it is too tight, you might choke them
  • As cats move around a lot, you want to use stitches that will not have the cat trapping itself into things, or getting things trapped into its collar
  • Do not make the crochet cat collar too long, unless you are trying to make a cape.
  • Cats cannot stand seeing things move, if the collar has a lot of things dangling off it, the collar will not last the day

Can I crochet a cat collar as a beginner?


The cat collar might even be a great place to start if you are looking to crochet something wearable. It is mostly a chain, followed by a few rows. If you want it fancy, there might be some decreasing rows and increasing, however, if you are not yet comfortable with decreasing and increasing, then i would suggest you go for simple crochet cat collar patterns.

Materials For A Crochet Cat Collar

Best part of this project is, it will not need much yarn. So it is safe to call it a scrap yarn project. Cat’s necks are small, which means, the collar will be small too. Unless you have several cats, then you might need a bit more yarn.

Red heart super saver yarn can be a great place to start if you are looking for some yarn. If you are looking for a different alternative, then Lion Brand might come to the rescue.

Crochet hooks will be the next requirement to crochet a cat collar, the size will depend o the pattern you chose to follow. Furls Crochet Hooks have always been after my own heart.

Crochet Cat Collar Patterns

Go through the crochet cat collar list, and see which one/s you like, be sure to comment which one you made.

1. Bobble Cat Collar Tutorial

animal collar crochet pattern

If you are a visual learner like myself, then this collar will be easier than it looks. You will be done before you know it.

Tutorial by : Catventurous Crochet

2. Crochet Pet Collar

sitncrochet cat collar free pattern

By: Lingzhi Handmde

This animal crochet collar comes with a video tutorial again, for the visual learners. I personally do not like written patterns, they can be lovely to follow, but i would pick a video tutorial over a crochet pattern without much though.

If you want to crochet this cat collar, then Urbaki is the place.

3. Crochet Pet Collar

crochet dog collar tutorial

This is a pet collar, does not have to be limited to a cat. If you own both a cat and a dog, then this might be the perfect crochet pattern for you.

The pattern is a video tutorial, by Laia Crochet. She does not waste time, she gores straight into the video tutorial. The pattern uses a multiple chain, so you can make this crochet animal collar as big or small as you like.

4. Wreath Cat Collar Tutorial

crochet cat wreath collar tutorial

Another youtuber that does not waste time but goes straight into the crochet tutorial. 5. Flower Car Collar Pattern

image 11

Make a few flowers and connect them together you have yourself a crochet cat collar!

This again, without double, comes with a tutorial, so you can read the crochet pattern and watch at the same time.

Another beautiful crochet cat collar pattern by Lingzhi Handmade.

so…What Next?

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cat collar crochet pattern

Be sure to share this post with some other cat lovers that you know will definitely love this post.

I will be making myself a few crochet cat beanies to gift to friends and family! Because they do make the perfect crochet gift