Crochet Cable Beanie Free Pattern

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The cold season is making an entrance where i live, and that means Crochet Easy Cable Banies have to be made. This will be y second crochet beanie made, i know i have written crochet beanie #1, but it is the first of many crochet beanies to be made this year.

Before we go any further, stand a chance to shop our paid patterns at a 10% first time discount purchase then enjoy other patterns at a 50% discount. This offer will not last long, so be sure eo grab it.

There i a Printable Ad-Free PDF Pattern available, CLICK HERE to purchase

The crochet beanie literally took less that 3 hours to be complete and ready to wear. So this is one of those quick makes and wear projects. It will not stay on your crochet hook for long.

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The crochet beanie can be made in different sizes depending on how much you chain and the number of rows you make.Good thing is that the instructions below explain very well what is to be done to get the perfect fit for you and or the one you are gifting.

The pattern has a video tutorial which should be available if you scroll down, if not, then CLICK HERE to watch.

This website has a lot of other awesome free patterns you might want to check out.

Crochet Pattern Bundles

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We are running a 50% Sale on the Pattern crochet Bundles that i know you do not want to miss out on. CLICK HERE to purchase your crochet pattern bundle at 50% Discount. Stand a chace to get it at a 60% discount if you use this link to purchase.

Other Patterns you will love


-5.0mm hook

Size 4 yarn 210 mt-229 yards

-Tapestry needle


-Yarn needle

Stitch Library

Chain: ch

Double crochet:dc

Back post double crochet: bpdc

Front post double crochet:fpdc

Front post half double crochet:fphdc

Front post treple crochet: fptr

Stitch: st

Space: sp

Crochet Beanie Pattern Notes

-When you see *( )** it means you repeat the instructions in between *( )** Where you see the word ​turn​ it means to turn your work clockwise and work back down the row.

-Chain of 2 does not count as a stitch

Crochet Beanie Free Pattern

For the tutorial, i made a womans size small. So remember the crochet beanie pattern follows a multiple of 12, i chained 60. For the adult woman or man crochet beanie size, chain 72 or more.

Ch multiples of 12

60 for adult small, 72 for adult size etc…

Ch72 (for a adult woman)and join to two ends. A little trick i learned, chain 15, then enter the end of the crochet hook into the first ch you made. This helps keep the ch straight and away from bending, because at the end, you will just slst into the first ch you made and begin your crochet beanie.

Row 1: Ch2 make a dc in every st in the back loops., slst into the first st you made.

Row 2: Ch2, *(2fpdc+1bpdc)**

Repeat row 2 for 4 (or more) extra rows, or less. This will serve as the crochet beanie band.

Row 7: Ch2, 2fpdc+1hdc in the bpdc of previous row+2fpdc+2fpdc in the bpdc of previous row+*(2fpdc+1hdc+2fpdc+1hdc+2fpdc+1hdc+2fpdc+2pfdc in the bpdc of previous row)** You will finish the row7 with a hdc.

This is use setting the base for the cable stitches.

Row 8: Ch2, 2fpdc+1hdc+*(2fpdc+yarn over twice and skip 2st and insert your hook from the 3rd st and make a fptr, yarn over twice and make a fptr in the 4th st, yarn over twice and turn back to the 1st st front of the treples and make a fptr in the 1st st, yarnover twice and turn back to the 2nd st front of the treples and make a fptr in the 2nd st+1hdc+2fpdc+1hdc+2fpdc+1hdc)**

1 2

Row 9: Ch2, 2fpdc+1hdc+*(skip 2 st+yarn over twice and make a fptr in the 3rd st+yarn over twice and make afptr in the 4th st+yarn over twice and make a fptr in the 1st st behind from the treples +yarn over twice and make a fptr in the 2nd st behind from the treples +2fpdc+1hdc+2fpdc+1hdc+2fpdc+1hdc)**

Repeat Row 8 and Row 9 until your beanie size is 7 inches long. or up to your desired length.

Decreasing the crochet beanie

Start to decrease from the repeat of Row2(After you finish the second row, then you bein the decrease)

Decrease Row 1: Ch2, decrease 2 fpdc to make 1 fpdc (yarn over insert the 1st fpdc and take a yarn and pull through 2 loops, insert the 2nd fpdc take a yarn and pull through 2 loops, you will have 3 loops left on your hook pull through together)+1hdc+*(2fpdc+skip 2st+make a fptr in the 3rd st+make a fptr in the 4th st+turn back front of the treples and make a fptr in the 1st st+make a fptr in the 2nd st+1 hdc+decrease 2 fpdc to the 1 fpdc +1hdc+decrease 2 fpdc to the 1 fpdc +1hdc)**

Decrease Row 2: Ch2, 1 fpdc+1hdc+*(yarn over twice,skip 2 st and make a fptr in the 3rd st+make a fptr in the 4th st+make a fptr in the 1st st behind of the treples+make a fptr in the 2nd st behind of the treples+2fpdc+1hdc+1fpdc+1hdc+1fpdc+1hdc)**

Decrease Row 3: Ch2 (not count)+1fpdc+1hdc+*(decrease 2 fpdc to the 1 fpdc + yarn over twice and insert the 3rd st,take a yarn and pull through 2 step and you have 2 yarns on your hook++ yarn over twice and insert the 4th st,take a yarn and pull through 2 step,you have 3 yarns on your hook and pull through all together (so you decrease 2 fptr to the 1 fptr)+ yarn over twice and insert the 1st stfrom front of the treples,take a yarn and pull through 2 step and you have 2 yarns on your hook+ yarn over twice and insert the 2nd st from the front of the treples,take a yarn and pull through 2 step,you have 3 yarns on your hook and pull through all together (so you decrease 2 fptr to the 1 fptr)+1hdc+1fpdc+1hdc+1fpdc+1hdc)**

Decrease Row 4: Ch2 , make a fphdc in the fpdc of previous row+skip 1st in the hdc of previous row+*(yarn over and skip the 1st st and make a fpdc in the 2nd st+turn back to the 1st st behind the fpdc and make a fpdc+1fpdc+skip 1st in the hdc of previous row+insert your hook from the fpdc and pull through 2 yarns+skip 1st in the hdc of previous row+insert your hook from the 2nd fpdc and pull through 2 yarns you have 3 yarns on your hook and pull through together+skip 1st in the hdc of previous row)**

Decrease Row 5: Ch2, crochet the 1st and the last st together and make a fpdc+ make a fpdc in every st.

Decrease Row 6: Ch2,*(crochet 2 fpdc together and decrease to  the 1 fpdc)** slst to the first decrease ch1 and cut but leave a bit of a tail so we can completely close the beanie hole.

Grab your yarn nrrdle and close the top opening.

This crochet cable beanie does not have a pom pom for the top, but feel free to add one if you preffer your crochet beanie that way.